Knowledge through networking

Welcome to ENG's Techscout 2013: Strategic Venturing & Innovation Excellence

24-25 September 2013, Amsterdam

Driving your business forward through unifying external venturing, partnership and portfolio growth 3rd annual

Corporate venturing units have to perform autonomously but be intensely rooted in corporate innovation strategy and connected to business units to unfold their full potential. Understanding internal and external deal sources and innovation hot spots, in terms of both market and technologies, are intrinsic to corporate venturing activity. Becoming a key player in corporate venturing requires governance principles and specific cultural dynamics that need to be embedded  into the existing corporate environment.


Processes integrating internal and external parties, inspired by new venturing approaches, must be established. It is crucial that companies have a clear strategy in place to scout and invest externally in partners that will lead to expansion and technology growth. What we offer is insight into clear scouting techniques, methods to find and manage external partnerships, and actual case studies of partnerships that have moved technology forward with lower risk and decreased time to market.

This summit will bring together leaders of innovation and corporate venturing from companies that matter. It will offer cross industry insight and face to face opportunities to establish meaningful and lucrative partnerships. We will cover critical issues including:

  • Analysing practices on how to expand to a new region to allow venturing penetration globally
  • Strategic metrics: Success factors and measurement
  • Improving your innovation rate and creating innovative opportunities
  • Best in class approaches to position your company as an attractive partner
  • Effective technology scouting efforts by developing technology leads
  • Strategic licensing through technology scouting
  • Optimising organisation structure to drive the innovation process

Should you have interest in speaking and or sponsorship opportunities, please contact Pam Walter, Business Development Manager, +41 44 586 4590,

Past sponsors of our Innovation & NPD conferences have included: Lux Research, Elsevier, Arthur D. Little, Oracle, SIT Systematic Inventive Thinking, CREAX, SAP, Questel, Planisware, Selerant, Chemspeed, DSM, Inogate, Innovation Framework Technologies, Nizo Food Research, PRTM, Sopheon, Tate & Lyle,  TNO, Pure Insight, PureCircle, Cargill

Who should attend

The executives that will realise the greatest benefit through attendance are Senior vice presidents, vice presidents, directors, heads and managers of:

Innovation | Research and Development | Corporate Venturing | Scouting | Open Innovation | External partnerships & alliances | Technology | Science

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Plenty of time built into the programme to allow delegates to discuss ideas & approaches and develop contacts.


Rich and vibrant conference, with an excellent mix of speakers from SME, mid-sized, and large companies.


Excellent investment of time to learn best practices in business and great inspiration for putting it to work tomorrow in our working environment.

Paradiso Amsterdam

It is housed in a converted former church building that dates from the nineteenth century and that was used until 1965 as the meeting hall for a liberal Dutch religious group known as the "Vrije Gemeente" (Free Congregation).[1] It is located on de Weteringschans, bordering the Leidseplein, one of the nightlife and tourism centers of the city. The main concert hall in the former church interior has high ceilings and two balcony rings overlooking the stage area, with three large illuminated church windows above the stage. The acoustics are rather echoey, but improvements have been made over the years. In addition to the main concert hall, there are two smaller cafe stages, on an upper floor and in the basement.

Paradiso is vooral bekend als de poptempel van Nederland; het is een van de beroemdste podia van Nederland. Vele bekende namen traden hier op. De grote zaal van Paradiso heeft een capaciteit van 1.500 bezoekers. Op de eerste verdieping bevindt zich nog een kleine zaal. Met enige regelmaat vinden er ook optredens plaats in de kelder. In het verleden werden soms video-opnamen van liveoptredens online gezet ("uitgezonden") via Fabchannel, maar wegens gebrek aan samenwerking met de platenmaatschappijen werden op 13 maart 2009 de opnames van de website van Fabchannel verwijderd.

Paradiso is gevestigd in een voormalig verenigingsgebouw van De Vrije Gemeente te Amsterdam. Het gebouw uit 1879-'80 is ontworpen door de architecten G.B. Salm (1831-1897) en zijn zoon A. Salm GBzn (1857-1915) in neoromaanse stijl. In de jaren zeventig zijn de oorspronkelijke glas-in-loodramen van het kerkgebouw vervangen door spiegels aan de binnenkant en houten panelen aan de buitenkant. Bij de verbouwing in 1993 is besloten door kunstenaars nieuwe glas-in-loodramen te laten ontwerpen. Deze nieuwe vensters zorgen voor een aparte sfeer.

Paradiso Amsterdam Paradiso Amsterdam Paradiso Amsterdam Paradiso Amsterdam Paradiso Amsterdam


Leidseplein 125
1234 AA Amsterdam
Telephone: +31 20 1265424356
Website: View venue website


Group Innovation Manager

Plenty of time built into the programme to allow delegates to discuss ideas & approaches and develop contacts.


Senior Vice President, Head of Chemical Research & Developme

Rich and vibrant conference, with an excellent mix of speakers from SME, mid-sized, and large companies.


Director Research & Development & Innovation

Excellent investment of time to learn best practices in business and great inspiration for putting it to work tomorrow in our working environment.


Product Development Director - Soft Categories

It’s a nice way to become more open. And being open is a promise for innovation


General Manager for R&D and Technical Sales Services

The conference is well organised, right duration, right number of attendees. It is coherent, topic focused and allows people from different industries to share common concerns and solutions.


Global Innovation & Brand Change Director

A great opportunity to obtain insights and network with colleagues from a range of industries. Very professionally organised.


Vice President, Head of Disease Groups

I have enjoyed the meeting and was in fact very positively surprised. It was very good to get this cross-industry feedback and I took back quite a few refreshing ideas which are worthwhile to follow up. This was definitely no waste of time and I will look forward to E.N.G.’s next meeting.


Innovation & Commercialisation Manager EMEA

A very well organised conference with a great selection of varied delegates and speakers. I found it an excellent opportunity to network with new people who I wouldn’t have had the chance to meet in another forum.


Diversity Director Research & Development

The presentations were of very high quality and the atmosphere was one of inclusion rather than competition. The openness with which information was exchanged was unusual and this was critical to the effectiveness of the conference. The audience had as much to contribute as the presenters and it was a refreshing change that they were not only 'talked at' but 'listened to'.


Global Director R&D

Excellent networking opportunity in which practices and experiences are shared between large and small players in the industry.


Global Innovation Manager, Sabic Polymers

Good platform to discuss many challenging aspects of how to make innovation work.


Director, New Businesses Unit, Global Technology and R&D Str

A useful event sharing approaches to leveraging partnerships to create new business opportunities – A varied array of business with opportunities to network-share approaches on cross industry.

Event rates (ex. VAT)

Regular price $2,096.14
Documentation only $572.63
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Discounts are not reimbursed for previously purchased tickets. Three or more people registering from the same company at the same time qualify for the group discount, but must register online at the same time. Prices include the conference documentation, lunches, refreshments, the networking dinner and service charge but exclude hotel accommodation. Applicable VAT will be charged.


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